Chaos to Control

Stop compulsive overeating. Get your life back.

This program is by far the best decision I have made to help with my compulsive eating…This is such a revolutionary and empowering program!

- Jess F

This is GREAT and you two are fantastic at summarizing and delivering the message. It was more than worth my money!

- Angela J

Chaos to Control is the science-based system for sugar addicts, compulsive overeaters, and wrapper hiders…

You’ll go from out of control to confident with food (yes, even when you’re home alone with the chocolate stash you hide in the back of the cupboard…)

Through this 11 week, done-with-you program, you’ll create custom-to-you solutions that keep you totally in control around food, so that you can eat healthy regardless of where you are, what’s going on, and what people around you are eating.

Hell you can even trust yourself to have that chocolate without losing control for the rest of the day (or week…)!

Get in here, girl. We’re healing food addiction:

  • $799 for 11 weeks of step by step guidance, support, and transformation (it will never be this low again!)

    • this comes out to just $73/week!

  • Print-and-bound 90-Day Food Journal mailed directly to you FOR FREE (retails for $33)

  • FOREVER access to loyalty pricing on all future Sugar Sober offerings!

    • this means saving major $$$ throughout your journey

How C2C works

You’ll walk through our 3-step system to re-engineer problem eating behaviors so you can reclaim your toxic relationship with food (and actually enjoy food?! Can you even imagine?!)

  • Learn the science-based system to get control of your eating through weekly lessons that build on each other step-by-step. Once you know this, you’ll always have a solution in your back pocket!

  • Stay accountable with the 13 page fillable workbook to apply the lessons in real time. This is how you follow through on what you started.

  • Plug into the most supportive group of women on the internet - ask questions, work through sticky spots that come up (this is normal, we all have sticky spots!), emotionally unload when you’re just sick of having to deal with this issue, and crowdsource ideas and disgusting amounts of “yes, you can!” energy in the weekly group Zoom sessions.

  • Get in-real-time accountability and feedback from us - a Clinical Nutritionist & a food-systems Sociologist - who’ve been where you are and have spent YEARS walking over women through this process.

  • Continually peel away layers and uncover deeper truths via weekly self-reflection prompts (remember, awareness is the first step toward change).

Receive the print and bound 90-Day Food Journal mailed to you to use in your real life!

This ain’t your mama’s food log. The Sugar Sober Food Journal is designed specifically for food addicts.


Who’s this for?

  • Sugar addicts, compulsive overeats, wrapper hiders, secret eaters, and on-again-off-again diet cyclers.

  • Do you get pits stains in your blouse just imagining being alone in a room with cake? If you want to learn how to trust yourself around food, this program is for you.

  • Do you hear 4,934 nutrition facts screaming at you every time you try to decide what to eat? If when nothing feels like a safe choice you finally decide “Screw it! I’ll just eat this leftover cold pizza & brownies standing over the sink!” this program is for you.

  • Women who know diets don’t work and are ready to try something new (when was the last time a diet lasted more than 4 months and didn’t make you miserable?! We’ll wait…)

  • Curious minds that are open to exploring emotions, triggers, habits, and patterns.

  • Women willing to keep the food journal, read weekly lessons, and practice the system week by week.

  • Women who are willing to still show up and try again if eating doesn’t go perfectly (IT WILL NOT GO PERFECTLY AND THAT’S A TOTAL NORMAL PART OF THE PROCESS!)

  • Women who are ready to bring community into their lives. Even if you’ve never opened up about this before, you’re willing to try, to show up, speak up, share, and support others.

Who’s this not for?

  • This won’t be a good fit if you’re looking for a diet, meal plan, calorie count.

  • Anyone unwilling to use the magic ingredient of time. C2C is not a quick fix, it’s a process applied over time.

  • If you hate learning, hate having weekly accountability, hate do-it-yourself processes, and run away from self reflection, this probably won’t be the right space for you.

  • This isn’t the right fit for women who aren’t ready to try something new.

  • Sugar Sober does not treat eating disorders. If you’re experiencing an active eating disorder, please follow-up with a treatment specialist!

C’mon sister, get your cute peach in here!

You’ve got this and we’ve got you.